Exam Results

Hey ,

Yesterday I got my summer exam results and was trying to reason why this or that aspect of the results were the way they were until I was thinking oh this must of been because I did this or that or uh I should of done that until I realised that I wrote an article about Dealing With "Bad" Exam Results on my website so I will practice what I preach (even though the results weren't bad so it mightn't be completely relevant to me but it's exam season and I think some of the insights aren't exclusively useful to students taking exams so I'll link it here).

Have a great week!


My Favourite Things This Week

Holidays - This week I have been a lazy wasteman not doing work and waking up late and it felt nice to be able to do that with relatively low guilt.

Quote of The Week

Suffering comes from trying to control what is uncontrollable

- Epictetus